ASpie PIEces: ASpiece is a means to promote autistic awareness, specifically "ASpies", who have ASperger Syndrome. These ASpie pieces of merchandise and gifts, will display symbols and logos similar to this one,
My original phrase of ALtERNativE Reasoning helps define who I am, and how ASpies function. An Aspie joins pieces of different information together to reason out a puzzle PIE. They also strive to get along with others who operate differently. Understanding and tolerating each-others differences, are AS PIEces of a PIE, coming together in PEACE. Notice that that the name ASpie is incorporated into the phrase "AS PIEces". Both the pie-shaped PEACE sign, and myself were established on 2/21/1958. Piece and peace are Homophones. Many ASpies love playing with letters and words, which is hyperlexic.They are best suited as as a Graphic Designer. Colors represent different ASPIE PIEces of a PIE chart, that come together for a solution, make peace and it's symbol.
The colors represent pieces, and how they are different, but still fit in together to solve the pie chart. These ASPIE PIE PIEces, because of their differences, create a peace sign. AS PIEces of a PIE, all of these PIEces of information fit in together. This is just like pieces of a pie fitting in to create a peace sign. These represent how Aspies make valuable valuable contributions to society if we all come together. We can all fit in to make a pie in peace, and each share a piece of it.